SOLUTION TO: LEISURE SUIT LARRY IN THE LAND OF THE LOUNGE LIZARDS SOLUTION WRITTEN BY: WILLIAM A. BURTON-(c) WILLIAM A. BURTON-1987 INTRODUCTION No your eyes are not deceiving you, what you see above is the actual name of a new 3-D adventure from the guys at Sierra, and if you think the name is weird, you ought to see the game. Larry Laffer is a nerd with killer halitosis, ugly polyester clothes and a case of skid-row body odor. Your job as the adventurer is to get Larry, how shall I put it, physically intimate with a beautiful girl, one who reciprocates his ardor. This last consideration is very important because hookers and golddiggers don't count. Before you read on, I should warn you that whereas it may be possible to win the game in a somewhat tasteful fashion, your score will be rather low. To really win big you must realize that this game is intended to be ultra-raunchy and should be played that way. So, if you have any problems with four-letter words, explicitly described bodily functions, dogs who mistake you for a fire hydrant, implied pornography, ethnic stereotypes, sex aids, contraception, venereal disease prevention, winos, flashers, off- color humor or trying to ply young lovelies with aphrodisiacs, then Leisure Suit Larry is not for you and this walkthrough probably isn't either. So, it's up to you. Either stop reading right now or read on; you have been fairly warned! In order to walk the thin line between propriety and telling you how to run up your score, I will abbreviate certain four letter words. So if you see something like F___ HOOKER, you will have to deduce what letters I left out. Don't worry, it won't be too hard. One last thing... Sierra games work with cursor keys or joy-sticks. The usual compass points, N, E, NW, SW, etc. have no real meaning. However, there is no easier way to convey move directions than compass shorthand. So, E means move to the right of your screen, N the top (often the rear of a scene), S the bottom, and so on. PART 1 - Logging In, Inventory, Getting Killed, Lefty's Lounge and Taxis As I mentioned, Leisure Suit Larry is a raunchy game, in fact unsuitable for children. This was also a concern of the authors. To log into the game you must (claim to) be eighteen or older. If you admit to being younger, you will be unceremoniously dumped back to the computer's operating system. If you claim to be old enough, you will be subjected to a rather pointless five question trivia test, purportedly based on subject matter with which the young and impressionable would be unfamiliar. If you blow any two of these questions, the game disappears and you have to try again. I think any reasonably bright junior-high schooler could answer all five. Each time you start the game you get to repeat this drudgery, but things improve once you get past the questions. Some of the questions are thinly veiled axes which the authors grind in the name of shielding the young; example: Ted Kennedy is... and one of the choices is: remembered for his breast stroke. Depending on your point of view, this may amuse you. Before you and Larry get down to business, it is important to keep in mind these scenarios in which Larry will get 'killed': 1: Running out of cash 2: Not paying a cab driver 3: Flushing Lefty's toilet (Larry will drown) 4: Falling off right side of hooker's fire escape (left side is OK) 5: Forgetting condom when 'romancing' hooker 6: Taking pills 7: Getting mugged - going past (E or W) edge of 'safe' screen. When this happens, Larry ends up in a dark alley and is beaten to death. 8: Drunk driving accident (getting into taxi while holding cheap wine) 9: Stepping into street (Larry will be mowed down by speeding car) There may indeed be other lethal situations, but these are the only ones I was able to find. The game begins outside Lefty's Lounge. If you take a personal inventory at this point, you will find these items in your possession: Wallet with: Credit cards (useless) Business cards (note Sierra's telephone number) Notes (useless) $94 cash (indispensable resource) Digital wristwatch (useless) Breath spray (used when someone complains and before approaching pretty women - The command is: USE SPRAY) Go N to doorway and OPEN DOOR. Proceed to empty stool at bar and SIT. Then BUY WHISKEY and GET UP. Go NW past jukebox to rest room area. LOOK AT TABLE and TAKE ROSE. Move to area between legs of passed-out drunk and HELP DRUNK. He is beyond help, but he's thirsty. So, GIVE DRUNK WHISKEY. He will appre- ciate your kindness and give you a TV remote control. Go to bathroom door and OPEN DOOR. Once in bathroom, READ GRAFFITI until the message repeats. This last message is the password to the brothel. Go to toilet and SIT. TAKE S___ and WIPE A__. Go to sink and LOOK IN SINK. You will find a diamond ring. TAKE RING and go back to door. OPEN DOOR and go back to bar. You may want to PLAY JUKEBOX on your way by. SIT at bar again and BUY WHISKEY again, then GET UP. Go E to door with peephole and KNOCK. You will be asked for password which you read on the bathroom wall. It is soon apparent that you are in Lefty's brothel annex and the pimp won't let you upstairs for anything less than $100 (which is more than you have). Stand in front of the TV and USE REMOTE CONTROL. Then CHANGE CHANNEL. Repeat this command until you get a porno station. The pimp will be distracted and you will be able to go up the stairs unimpeded. Resist your impulse to have at the hooker now, but go over to the window and OPEN WINDOW. Next to the window there is a table. EXAMINE TABLE and you will discover a box of candy. TAKE CANDY and go back to window. CLIMB OUT and you will be on a fire escape. Walk off the left side of the fire escape, and you will fall into a trash filled dumpster. EXAMINE TRASH and TAKE HAMMER, then CLIMB OUT. Walk W past screen edge and W again, and you will be back outside Lefty's where you started. There is a sign on the lamp post. READ SIGN and you will discover that this is a taxi stand. CALL CAB and one will arrive. If you are too slow getting in, it will leave, but that poses no special problem, you can just call another. GET IN cab and when he asks you where you're going, TALK TO DRIVER. He will tell you about every place you will be visiting. When he asks again, say CASINO. When you arrive, PAY DRIVER. Don't forget this!!!! By now, you may have seen a little black dog who relieves himself on your leg. Don't pet the dog and don't worry about the dog's poor manners. You'll be seeing lots more dog pee on your leg before the game is over. Part 2 - Casino and Convenience Store Go N to the casino doors. They will open automatically. Proceed N past gambling activity to elevator area. LOOK IN ASHTRAY. You will find a membership card for the disco. TAKE CARD and go to right rear of screen near the telephone. Go E and you will be in the casino's cabaret. You won't be able to do anything here except be entertained. If the dancers are onstage, leave, because there's nothing further to see. If the comic is performing, stick around and have a few chuckles. If you miss the comic this time, you can catch him when you come back later. Go W and S. You will be back in the gaming area. This is where Larry can build his bankroll. You have two choices, slots or blackjack. The commands are: SIT (play blackjack), QUIT BLACKJACK, PLAY SLOTS and QUIT SLOTS. You must be near either a vacant blackjack seat or free slot machine to start. No matter which you choose, you should save the game when you begin and resave the game whenever your cash increases. I have tried both the slots and blackjack and I found the slots to be an inexorably slow way to increase Larry's bankroll. On the other hand, whereas blackjack represents a much more efficient gamble, you must have some strategic familiarity with the game. Keep gambling until you have amassed at least $200 (you will not be able to win any more than $250), QUIT BLACKJACK/SLOTS and go S past the casino doors to curb. If a beggar appears, wearing a barrel, GIVE MAN MONEY. He will take $1.00 and give you a very valuable apple. The beggar may not appear until later, but whenever he does, make sure you give him money, because without that apple, you'll never find true love. When cab arrives, GET IN, and when the driver asks where you're going, reply STORE. A wino with a Russian fur hat may appear asking for a handout. Give him one. It will only cost you $1.00. This wino reappears almost every time you exit the store, and you will have to give him something else later. Go in store and go to the left side of the rearmost rack and GET WINE. The go to the front rack and EXAMINE MAGAZINES. You will be told that Larry would like 'Jugs' magazine, so GET MAGAZINE. go to the cash register and READ SIGN. Now you know who sells condoms in this town... BUY CONDOM. What follows is a hoot. The clerk will collect your money. Leave store and wait for the wino with the Russian hat. He will ask for another handout. When he does, just wait, and he will ask for something to drink. GIVE MAN WINE and he will reward your generosity by giving you a knife. Note: if the wino doesn't appear, just go into store and exit store immediately, sooner or later he'll turn up. Stand near phone and EXAMINE PHONE. Then DIAL PHONE and when asked for the number enter 555-6969 and answer the questions as obscenely as you wish. Then dial Sierra's number (it's in your wallet). This is worth a few points. Part 3 - The Brothel and the Disco Stand on curb near phone and CALL CAB (it seems that every curb in this game is a cab stand). WARNING! If you still have the wine you bought in the store, drink it before calling cab. When cabby asks your destination, tell him BAR. Enter as you did before, and go to the brothel door. KNOCK, and the pimp will let you in (you must still provide password). Go up the stairs, stand next to the bed, LOOK AT HOOKER, UNDRESS, WEAR CONDOM and F___ HOOKER. This must be seen to be believed. TALK TO HOOKER, get dressed, go downstairs past bar to rest room, OPEN DOOR, go to toilet and REMOVE CONDOM. Make sure not to flush the toilet, unless you want to drown in unspeakable filth. Then go back out to street and CALL CAB. When driver asks "Where to", say STORE. Stand near phone and it should ring. When it does, ANSWER PHONE. This is worth a few points and a laugh. Walk E one screen to disco entrance, when you try to enter disco, a bouncer will block your path until you SHOW CARD. The bouncer will move aside and you can go upstairs. LOOK AROUND and you will notice a solitary girl seated at a table with one empty chair. Go by the chair and SIT. LOOK AT GIRL, TALK TO GIRL, try to KISS GIRL make a few obscene suggestions. ASK GIRL TO DANCE, then GET UP and follow girl to dance floor. When the dance is over, follow girl back to table, SIT, LOOK AT GIRL, TALK TO GIRL and keep talking until you find out her name, Fawn. TALK TO FAWN, KISS FAWN and try whatever else crosses your mind. Then GIVE FAWN ROSE, GIVE FAWN RING, GIVE FAWN WHISKEY, and ASK FAWN FOR DATE. Then PROPOSE TO FAWN. She will demur until you GIVE FAWN CANDY. She will then ask for $100 to reserve the honeymoon suite at the casino. GIVE FAWN MONEY and she will take $100 and leave, headed for the wedding chapel which is one screen East of the casino. Part 3 - The Wedding Chapel, the Honeymoon Suite and Getting the Pills By now you know how to get around by taxi. Before proceeding, COUNT MONEY. You will need $100 for the minister and anywhere from $10 to $25 for another cab ride (the fares are random). Have the cabby take you to the casino to replenish your bankroll. Remember to GIVE MONEY TO MAN (in barrel) if you haven't gotten an apple already. Exit casino and walk E one screen, approach wedding chapel door and OPEN DOOR. Go N and position yourself next to Fawn. Then MARRY FAWN. She will refuse to kiss you, promising instead even greater thrills at the honeymoon suite. She will leave without you (a portent of things to come). Outside the wedding chapel there will be a flasher. Position yourself so you are facing his open raincoat and TALK TO FLASHER. Your score goes up for pointing out how diminutive his 'showpiece' really is! Go to casino, proceed through gambling area to elevator. You must enter elevator from the rear. Then type FOUR. This is how you get the elevator to go to the fourth floor. Exit elevator by going N and then move W and S. You should be in front of a door with a heart on it. KNOCK and Fawn will let you in. Walk W past bed, then N and look for a radio. TURN RADIO ON and LISTEN TO RADIO. You will learn the number of a liquor store that delivers. Go over to Fawn and try to kiss her, she will tell you that she needs some wine to get in the mood. Go to door, OPEN DOOR and exit E. Get back in ele- vator and type ONE (to return you to ground floor). Don't bother with the phone near the elevator, it doesn't work. Before leaving casino, make sure you have enough cash for a round trip cab ride plus some extra. About $75.00 should be enough. Leave casino and take cab to store. If phone rings answer it. Also, this will be your very last chance to give cheap wine to wino and get knife in return. Approach phone, DIAL PHONE and enter the number of the liquor store which you heard on the radio. When asked what you want to order, reply WINE, and when asked where it should be delivered, reply HONEYMOON SUITE. Then catch a cab back to the casino, take the elevator to FOUR, go to the room with the heart on the door and KNOCK again. Walk next to Fawn and POUR WINE. You may have to GET UNDRESSED or Fawn may be aggressive enough to do that for you. In either case, Fawn will leave you tied up on the bed, and she will leave you forever (the bitch!). CUT ROPE WITH KNIFE and you will discover that at least Fawn missed the $10.00 you kept in a secret wallet compartment. TAKE ROPE and leave room as you did earlier, get in elevator to ONE and build that $10.00 into an amount sufficient for a round trip cab ride with reserves. About $60.00 should do it. Don't forget to save your game when you first sit down to gamble and whenever your cash reserves go up. When you have enough money, leave casino, get apple from beggar (if you haven't already) and CALL CAB. Have cabby take you to BAR, enter bar, go to door on right, KNOCK, give password and go up stairs to hooker's room. Go to window and CLIMB OUT. You are on the fire escape again. Go to right side of fire escape and LOOK IN WINDOW. Then TIE ROPE TO RAIL and TIE ROPE TO WAIST. Then REACH FOR WINDOW, BREAK WINDOW WITH HAMMER and GET PILLS. When you EXAMINE PILLS, it becomes apparent that you have latched on to some Spanish Fly. CLIMB BACK, UNTIE ROPE and walk W off the left side of the fire escape. That's right! you're back in the dumpster. CLIMB OUT, walk W and walk W again. Call a cab and have the driver take you to the casino. Part 4 - Losing Faith, the Penthouse, Vinyl Passion and 'The Big Climax' Enter the casino, get in the elevator and type EIGHT. This will get you to the eighth floor. On the right side of the screen you will see a door. It is locked. slightly below and to the left of the door is a security desk with an armed female sitting behind it. This may not be immediately apparent if you are playing the game on a monochrome monitor. Approach the desk and TALK TO GIRL, then LOOK AT GIRL. Hey, she looks even better than your departed bride, Fawn. Once the girl appears in close up, TALK TO GIRL, and keep doing so until she reveals her name, Faith. Try the obvious: KISS FAITH, GRAB FAITH'S ____, and whatever else amuses you. Then ASK FAITH FOR DATE. Apparently she needs some kind of medicinal stimulant; Aha! the pills... GIVE FAITH PILLS. She will get quite aroused, but sadly only for an unseen boyfriend. Faith will dash off to pleasure this guy and leave her desk unattended. If you don't yet have the apple, go down and look for the beggar in the barrel, then come back. Those pills will make Faith spend a very long time away from her desk. EXAMINE DESK and you will discover a button. PUSH BUTTON and you will unlock the door to the penthouse. Go to the door and enter penthouse. You may have to leave later if you still don't have the apple. No matter whether you are going in or out of the penthouse, you must PUSH BUTTON first and then proceed through the door. Once inside the penthouse look around. Then go N to the rear and E into the bedroom where there is a closet door on the right. OPEN DOOR and then LOOK AROUND. You will discover a vinyl playmate. INFLATE DOLL and then F___ DOLL. When you issue this command, you will be asked, "Gee, Larry do we have to?". Answer YES and watch your score go up. Before you manage to degrade yourself completely, the love doll will burst and go sailing out the closet. Larry will chase the doll (without your help), but the doll will disappear over the terrace railing, leaving Larry next to a hot tub where a naked woman is bathing. The woman's towel and bathing suit are sitting next to the tub on the left. Before jumping in, walk over there and EXAMINE TOWEL. You will learn that this young lovely is named Eve. USE SPRAY to clean up your bad breath, then walk over to right side of tub and GET IN. Try all of the ploys you have used earlier; TALK TO EVE (repeated several times), LOOK AT EVE, KISS EVE, ASK EVE FOR DATE, F___ EVE, etcetera. There is a wine bottle and glass above Eve's left shoulder, so POUR WINE. Soon you will learn that Eve needs something special to turn her on. I'll bet you've already figured out what that special something is... the apple! GIVE EVE APPLE and the fireworks (literally) will begin. Congratulations, Larry. You won big! Footnote: I have played this game twice, once just to play it and once to verify the solution for this walkthrough. The first time I scored 219 out of a possible 222, and the second time I only got 218. I don't recall having skipped anything the second time through. I would love to know how to get those last few points. If you figure it out, please let me know. I can be reached at Compuserve 70210,451. On behalf of Larry, enjoy, and if he happens to tell you Eve's phone number, pass it along.